All the fish from Mare a Tavola Srl is of the highest quality and is fished with hook and longline to ensure superior product quality and contribute to sustainable fishing that respects the environment.

The fish is processed, transformed and packaged entirely by hand by qualified personnel. The only ingredients we add are sea salt and an excellent extra virgin olive oil, an oil that can be used as a condiment and base for various dishes.
Mare a Tavola Srl ensures that all production phases are carried out correctly, with systematic analyses aimed at verifying compliance with food and production safety and hygiene criteria carried out in accredited laboratories. The production process, from procurement to shipment of the finished product, is subjected to a rigorous and constant control carried out by qualified technicians from our Quality Control Department.

Food Safety and Health and Hygiene Regulations
1) Regulation (EC) 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council,
which established the general principles and requirements of food law, established the European
Food Safety Authority and established procedures in the field of food safety. The Regulation ensures
the quality of food intended for human consumption and feed and guarantees the free circulation of healthy
and safe food on the European market, in particular by preventing the placing on the market of foods that are
harmful to health and/or unfit for consumption. In compliance with the Regulation, food sector operators must
ensure the traceability of food products and their ingredients;
2) Regulation (EC) 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs.
3) Regulation (EC) 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing specific hygiene
rules for food of animal origin. These two regulations are aimed at guaranteeing the hygiene of food
products at all stages of food production, processing and distribution. Canned fish operators must respect both,
complying with the general hygiene provisions applicable to all foods and those specific to products of animal origin.
It follows that tuna and other fish preserves must be produced in establishments recognized by the health authorities
which cannot operate without this authorization and which are registered in the lists of the Ministry of Health.
The operators of the sector must also guarantee the application of the HACCP system
(risk analysis and control of critical points), internationally recognized to guarantee the safety of food products,
respecting the specific rules on microbiological criteria and on the possible presence of unwanted substances.
Canned fish imported into the European Union must also comply with the relevant provisions of European food law,
or standards recognized as equivalent, or contained in specific agreements established with the exporting country.